For 3-4 people you need

2 oz. sugar 1/2 pint water 1/4 oz. gelatine 1 6 1/4-oz. can frozen concentrated orange juice* 1 egg white 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier * Allow to thaw slightly so the orange juice may be removed from the can.

  1. Dissolve the sugar in the water (less 2 tablespoons) in a saucepan, allow to cool.
  2. Soften the gelatine in the 2 tablespoons water.
  3. Add to the syrup with the undiluted orange juice.
  4. Stir well, pour into the freezing tray and freeze for about 1 hour or until semi-frozen.
  5. Remove from the freezer.
  6. Stir in the whisked egg white and Grand Marnier.
  7. Freeze for a further 2 hours.