For 6-8 portions

Short crust pastry

6 oz flour, pinch salt, 3 oz margarine, 1 1/2 tablespoons cold water

For the filling

1/2 pint thick sweetened custard packet Dream Topping 6 tablespoons milk 8-12 oz. raspberries

  1. Sieve flour and salt, rub in fat until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Add water to make a firm dough.
  2. Roll out pastry to about 1/4 inch in thickness. To have a good 'fit' in a patty tin use a pastry cutter a little larger than the top of the tin cut out the required number of rounds.
  3. Put into the tins, and press down firmly then prick the base to prevent this rising - bake 'blind' i.e. without a filling - until firm and golden brown.
  4. Lift out of tins and allow to cool.
  5. Put the cold custard in the bottom of each patty case, then top with the dream topping, whisked until thick with the milk and the raspberries. Oven temperature: 425-450F Gas Mark 6-7 Oven position : above centre