For 3-4 people you need

1 1/4lb. fish fillets seasoning 2 oz. butter 6-8 anchovy fillets 3 small onions 3 tomatoes 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped parsley 4-8 tablespoons thin cream.

  • Cut the fish into three or four portions, season well.
  • Melt half the butter and fry the chopped anchovies and chopped onions until pale golden brown.
  • Skin and divide the tomatoes into portions and cook for 3 mins.
  • Add the parsley and put the mixture into a wide ovenproof dish,.top with the fish portions, rest of butter and seasoning and put under a hot grill and cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Add the cream and continue cooking with the heat lowered for a further 5 minutes.

TO SERVE: In the cooking dish with either a green salad or green beans.